15 de noviembre de 2010

Looking for a new glass

Among one of those conversations that you have with people on the street, drinking beer in a bar in Maputo I met a man with around 60 years. Obviously during the conversation I mentioned that I am Colombian and his answer filled my glass because he told me that the most dangerous neighborhood of Maputo, where besides selling drugs is a fixed daily shootings, is called Colombia. Can you imagine that? A country in Africa, full of problems, that really needs more help than us, comparing the “worse place inside the worse” place with Colombia, so I think you understand how I felt. I told that to my best friend and He told me “Mona, you need to do a post about that, all the Colombians abroad want to talk about that”.

This post is not going to give the answer about how the change the Colombian image, I even know how to manage my every day answers around that topic, but will be great if the people take some time before ask those questions and show some respect just considering that the country that they are talking about is also part of their world.

During my visits to other countries, I always received offensive or out of place comments about my country, which I responded in a sarcastic to be less impact or rude. One time a guy asked me if I have cocaine in my pocket, and I told him “I am sorry, we sent all the cocaine to your country and they are great buyers”.

Sometimes you fell with energy to explain to the people why Colombia is the best place in the world and everyone should go to Colombia at least one time in the life, but also sometimes you don’t have more energy and you just want to let them know that they are definitely worse than you just for ask that.

The things related with Colombian narcotrafico and drugs are really close to me because of some past personal situations but also because I take the time to read about that and understand how all this news that the people see about Colombia are ot not the reflect of the things that are happening. If you take a look into the story of Pablo Escobar you’re just going to see how a really smart leader making wrong things in the process to became stronger. He is our Colombian Hitler, the world is going to talk always about him, are part of the history, but for how long the people asked to the Germans “Are you related with Hitler?”

Is the same with all the countries, I am not here asking to the people “Do you have AIDS?” or I am not going to ask to someone from Iran “Is your family in the weapon business?”, NO! First because I am aware of the world where I live and second because I am Colombian and I need to deal with that kind of questions every day.

Honestly you can’t imagine how proud I’m to be Colombian, the way I think, the way I act and definitely the way I speak is a mix of what my country has given me. I don’t want to change that, but I hope to see my kids living and growing in a world where being Colombian will be easier.

I don’t want to deny the reality of my country, I know that some bad things are happening and also I understand that we need to improve a lot of things to show to the world that we can do it and that the good ones are more and they can let us join their countries without visa and with open arms.

A lot of entities are doing a great job with the image of my country, the best example is Colombia is passion, they are showing the best face of the most passionate country in the world, please take some time to visit http://www.colombiaespasion.com/en/ and the next time for sure you’ll have a lot of things to ask to a Colombian when you approach him/her.

I am part of those Colombians abroad that want to hear good questions from the people from the countries that they’re visiting, that want to explain why you should marry a Colombian, have Colombian kids and let them grow between the best people in the world, that besides problems and some history on the shoulders are proud about that they have, keep believing, and still working in the land that sow them grow.

Maybe you’re asking if I am proud to be Colombian why I am abroad, just because I want to see and learn about the world before to come back, work for my country and give to my “tierra” back that they give me just for be Colombian.

That drop made the glass overflow but I am ready to look for a new glass and answer the times that I need to answer why I am proud to be Colombian.

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